Unicoop Firenze supports Casa Marta with extra-large panettone

At Christmas Unicoop reveals the recipe for solidarity for Casa Marta
Unicoop Firenze’s recipe for solidarity for Casa Marta?
To make a solidarity panettone you need… Unicoop Firenze, chef Luisanna Messeri, genuine ingredients and a recipe prepared with love.
The solidarity initiative was presented at the Coopfi in Ponte a Greve, in the presence of Benedetta Fantugini, president of the Casa Marta Foundation and of the cook and food blogger Luisanna Messeri, with the participation of Sara Biagi, vice-president of the Il Cuore si scioglie Foundation and Emidio Granchi , manager of the Unicoop Florence bakery.
All together for a noble cause: to help raise awareness of our Casa Marta Foundation in Tuscany and promote fundraising to build the structure.
A product designed, explained the communication manager of Coop Firenze Claudio Vanni, to celebrate a “doubly good Christmas, for quality and values”
Extra-large solidarity
Un panettone gourmet in edizione speciale
A special edition artisan gourmet panettone, weighing 3 kilos, produced by the Banco del Gusto brand pastry shop; initially expected to be limited to just one thousand units, the number was soon revised and increased due to the large number of reservations.
A panettone delivered very fresh, prepared only to order and delivered in its packaging within a few days of cooking in order to keep its aroma, flavor and softness intact. The traditional recipe, revisited and enriched with a Tuscan twist, is “signed” by Luisanna Messeri, who studied the ingredients used with great love and approved the final version.
“I am greedy, I knew how it should turn out and it came out just as I wanted”, guarantees Luisanna Messeri.
Projects and initiatives
Unicoop Firenze and the Fondazione Il Cuore si melte, as well as the sale of panettone, have promoted many other fundraising initiatives in the area with the support of the Coop member sections, the many solidarity dinners including the Galeotta Dinner on 16 December in the prison of Volterra, the aperitifs, the flash mobs inside the supermarkets, the charity classical music concerts.
The membership and response of the members were enormous and allowed us to experience first-hand the solidarity of our wonderful Tuscany.