Casa Marta for #Giro d'Italia CPP2023

Casa Marta for #Giro d’Italia CPP2023
Fondazione Casa Marta, on the occasion of the national event “Giro d’Italia CPP 2023“, enthusiastically accepted the call to participate and promote knowledge of pediatric palliative care by organizing three events in the Florentine area, sponsored by Fondazione Il Cuore si scioglie, with the patronage of the Municipality of Florence, the Tuscany Region and shared with many associations linked to dance and sport.
All our appointments
Sunday May 21st at 6pm
Flash mob – Piazza Santa Maria Novella – Firenze
A “surprise” appointment in the beautiful setting of Piazza Santa Maria Novella, a moment of choral and carefree involvement, open to adults and children and with any type of mobility.
The choreography, conceived and curated by the Kinesis Contemporary Dance Company, is designed to be created by everyone by performing simple movements of the hands and arms to the sound of music, broadcast thanks to Radio Toscana Network.
Organized by: Casa Marta Foundation
With the patronage of: Municipality of Florence, Tuscany Region, AOU Meyer
Saturday 27 May from 9:00 to 13:00
Cycle riding & Sport at the Circolo la Botte – San Casciano Val di Pesa
Two guided MTB routes of 25km or 10km. Departure from Circolo la Botte and stop in Badia a Passignano. Inside the park there will also be the possibility to play inclusive five-a-side football and practice other sports.
Organized by: Casa Marta Foundation, Sportlab 21, Quarto Tempo, Scatenati Val di Pesa
With the patronage of: Municipality of S. Casciano, Tuscany Region
Domenica 11 Giugno dalle 9:00 alle 12:30
Multisport “Ce n’è per tutti” – Unione Sportiva Affrico, Viale M. Fanti – Firenze
Un momento dedicato allo sport inclusivo, dove bambini e ragazzi giocherannno a basket, tennis, bocce e molte altre attività guidati da istruttori qualificati.
Fondazione Casa Marta: US Affrico, Volpi Rosse Menarini, Progettiamo autonomia, Evolution Training.
Con il patrocinio di: Comune di Firenze, Regione Toscana, AOU Meyer
Per partecipare, per informazioni e prenotazioni scrivete a: o contattate il numero 3884891943.

Tour of Italy of Pediatric Palliative Care 15 May - 18 June 2023
Born from the commitment of volunteers and socio-health professionals active in CPPs, and coordinated by the Maruzza Lefebvre Foundation, the campaign involves an awareness and information activity on CPPs in order to provide correct information on what they are, what they are for and to whom are revolts, and especially this year to dispel the myths and limitations.
The GCPP is the national event dedicated to pediatric palliative care. Find out what pediatric palliative care is and who it is aimed at. Help us spread correct information and dispel the myths that still make understanding this type of treatment difficult, limiting access.
Find out more about pediatric palliative care
Take part in the 2023 Pediatric Palliative Care Tour: cycling and street events, information stands, scientific conferences to bring the culture of pediatric palliative care to the squares of Italy.
Find the stop closest to you and come and discover Pediatric Palliative Care!