Dal 3 all'11 Settembre la solidarietà è una festa

The Sancascianese Volunteer Festival for Casa Marta
In San Casciano in Val di Pesa, from 3 to 11 September 2022, the 16th San Casciano Volunteer Festival led by president Daniele Cavari, marked a truly special edition by allocating the entire fundraising to our Casa Marta, the first pediatric hospice in the Tuscany region.
The Festival had a program full of musical, cultural, environmental and sporting events – all seasoned with the flavors of Tuscan cuisine. And it was certainly one of the most loved events by the community and beyond, because there were so many visitors of all ages who from many parts of Tuscany chose to reach San Casciano to take part in the great volunteer show which has always raised funds for charitable purposes.
Una serata dedicata per raccontare Casa Marta
During the evening dedicated to presenting Casa Marta, the Mayor of San Casciano Roberto Ciappi together with Benedetta Fantugini told the story and illustrated the purpose of Casa Marta and its importance for the entire Tuscany region.
“The Sancasciano Volunteer Festival is an extraordinary solidarity network that continues to invest in the value of altruism and in giving targeted and concrete responses to fragilities. This year we are really proud of this special edition which has allocated the entire fundraising to Casa Marta the first pediatric hospice in Tuscany.”
Roberto Ciappi
“Ours is everyone’s celebration” is your motto and it is precisely with this spirit that we too strive every day to provide children and families with the affection and care they need in an environment that makes them feel like home.”
Benedetta Fantugini

The Sancascianese Volunteer Festival is a unique association of its kind
The “Festa del Volontariato Sancascianese” is a unique association of its kind, because it unites all the voluntary associations, non-profit and non-profit, in the area of San Casciano in Val di Pesa and is the first in Italy in terms of number of member associations. It has always been characterized by social projects and a common and shared path, with solidarity and humanitarian goals that it will continue to pursue with determination.
The marathon of those who invest their free time in lending a hand to others has officially begun. In the kitchen, between the tables, with the apron and chef’s hat, the smile always within sight, the enthusiasm and the desire to do for the country and the collective good. These are some of the ingredients that the volunteering machine has set in motion to eliminate any generational difference between young people, adults and elderly people and give way to a sense of belonging and the value of forming a community.
Some employees of the Lippert company based in San Casciano in Val di Pesa also worked among the volunteers. The American multinational manufacturer of components for caravans and trains took the lead in identifying the recipient of the fundraising for this 16th edition. It has been investing in the promotion of corporate volunteering for years and for the first time will actively support the initiative and the associative network that organizes it.